Traject: routing for JavaScript¶
Obviel includes the obviel-traject.js library. Traject is a library for resolving paths to objects. It is not dependent on Obviel itself, just on jQuery, but is intended for use with Obviel.
In some JavaScript applications you want to display the user interface as a single page that never reloads, but you still want to support hyperlinks, the back button and bookmarking.
For this you can use the fragment identifier. The fragment identifier is the text behind a hash (#) mark in the URL:
The fragment identifier can change without the web browser forcing a reload of the page, for instance when the user clicks a hyperlink to another fragment identifier (<a href="#another_fragment_identifier">Click</a>`), or when the user presses the back button in the browser.
A JavaScript library like jQuery BBQ can be used to subscribe to changes in the fragment identifier (hashchange in jQuery BBQ) and take appropriate action.
What is this action? The fragment identifier is held to be identifying, somehow, some JavaScript object that the client has available. We want to get this object, and then render it in the content area of the UI. When the fragment identifier changes, we want to update the content area of the UI with this rendered object.
Let’s look at these steps in more detail:
- we receive fragment identifier change event (a library such as jQuery BBQ).
- interpret fragment identifier as a path to find an object ( using Traject).
- render object on content area in UI (using Obviel views).
With Traject you can define a patterns registry with path patterns. You can then use this patterns registry to resolve actual paths to objects.
The Idea in Code¶
Let’s translate this into some code:
$(document).ready(function() {
// we render an application object when this
// page first loads. we have defined the app view
// to include a div with the id "content"
// trigger the initial hash change manually using BBQ, it goes
// to the empty fragment identifier, "#"
// listen to the BBQ hashchange event
$(window).bind('hashchange', function(ev) {
// we interpret the fragment identifier as a path to an object
var path = ev.fragment;
// resolve the path to obj using a traject patterns registry we have
// defined before
var obj = patterns.resolve(app, path);
// render the found obj using Obviel
With this code, hyperlinks to fragment identifiers and the back button will work: when you click a link or press back, the content area in the UI will change accordingly, just as if you were browsing to a new web page.
This code is not complete: you need to define an app object, a view to display the app object and views to display whatever objects are found using patterns.resolve. What these views are is completely up to the application. We’ll see examples of an app object later.
But most importantly, we haven’t described how to create a patterns registry with Traject in the first place, and what it can do for you exactly. Let’s look at this now.
A Patterns Registry¶
The main object defined by traject is obviel.traject.Patterns(). If you include traject in the page you can create one like this:
var patterns = new obviel.traject.Patterns();
Now let’s look at a simple scenario where we use the simplest form of a path pattern: a single name. We define a bunch of objects:
var app = {
iface: 'app',
objects: {
a: {iface: 'A', 'title': 'the A object'};
b: {iface: 'B', 'title': 'the B object'};
c: {iface: 'C', 'title': 'the C object'};
Now we want a pattern registry that gives back object a when the path is a, b when the path is b, and, you guessed it, c when the path is c.
Let’s do it:
var getA = function(variables) {
return app.objects.a;
var getB = function(variables) {
return app.objects.b;
var getC = function(variables) {
return app.objects.c;
patterns.register('a', getA);
patterns.register('b', getB);
patterns.register('c', getC);
When we now resolve a path with the patterns registry, we will find the appropriate objects:
var root = {iface: 'root'};
patterns.resolve(root, 'a'); // gives back app.objects.a
patterns.resolve(root, 'b'); // gives back app.objects.b
patterns.resolve(root, 'c'); // gives back app.objects.c
So, what you register with the patterns registry is a path (the first argument) and a function to call when this path is matched. You then resolve a path. We’ll explain what the root object is for later, but you also may have noticed the variables argument to the get lookup functions, which we’ll go into next.
Variables in Paths¶
The code above was a bit repetitive given the regular nature of the app object. In addition, each time we add a new object to app with some new name (d, e, foo, whatever) we would have to register a new path in the patterns registry so it can be found. We can use this code shorter and more flexible by using a variable in the path instead. Instead of the above registrations, we’ll use this:
var getObject = function(variables) {
return app.objects[];
patterns.register('$name', getObject);
Now we can look up paths with arbitrary names, and each will be resolved to an object in app.objects.
How does this work? Any variables in the path are indicated using a dollar sign ($). The values of these variables will be passed into the lookup function as properties of the variables object. The function then uses these variables to identify and return the object.
Longer Paths¶
Paths are not restricted to single names, you can also use the slash (/) character in them:
patterns.register('foo/bar/baz', getSomething);
patterns.register('stores/$storeId', getStore);
Paths may also use multiple variables at the same time:
Both storeId and productId will be passed into the lookup function as properties of the variables object.
Name and Parent¶
When a path is resolved to an object using traject, the object is placed in a virtual hierarchy that is deduced from the path. For instance, when we look up an object like this:
var root = {iface: 'root'};
var obj = patterns.resolve(root, 'a');
obj will be placed within the root object. This is done by adding two properties to obj, trajectName and trajectParent.
trajectName is the name the object was looked up under, in this case a. trajectParent is the object that is placed under, in this case root. So these are true:
obj.trajectName === 'a'
obj.trajectParent === root
You can also construct deeper paths. Consider a registration like this:
patterns.register('foo', getFoo);
patterns.register('foo/bar', getBar);
When we now retrieve foo and bar using the following code:
var root = {iface: 'root'};
var foo = patterns.resolve(root, 'foo');
var bar = patterns.resolve(root, 'foo/bar');
the following will be true:
obj.trajectName === 'bar'
obj.trajectParent === foo
foo.trajectName === 'foo'
foo.trajectParent === root
This works with variables too:
patterns.register('departments/$departmentId', getDepartment)
var department1 = patterns.resolve(root, 'departments/1');
obj.trajectName === '1'
obj.trajectParent.trajectName === 'departments'
obj.trajectParent.trajectParent === root
Here we’ve registered the path departments/$departmentId, but we have not registered department. So what kind of object is obj.departmentParent? It’s a special default object that traject creates if it doesn’t have any more specific lookup function registered for that path:
{ iface: 'default'}
You can specify a custom default object lookup with a patterns registry if you want:
patterns.setDefaultLookup(function() {
return { iface: 'someCustomDefaultObject'};
In some cases it is convenient to have a variable be converted to a particular type, for instance an integer automatically. You can do this by indicating the converter behind the variable:
patterns.register('customers/$customerId:int', getCustomer);
The variables object passed to the getCustomer function will now get the variable customerId as an integer. If a non-integer is in the path for $customerId, the path will fail to resolve.
You can also register new converters with the patterns registry:
patterns.registerConverter('float', function(value) {
var result = parseFloat(value);
if (isNaN(result) {
return null;
return result;
You can now use a variable definition with :float, such as $customerId:float.
Inverse: Locating Objects¶
So far we’ve considered looking up an object for a path, using resolve. Traject also supports the inverse scenario: given an object, reconstruct what path it has. More generally, we are able to locate an object using traject. To locate an object means it has a trajectParent and trajectName, and following the trajectParent chain will eventually lead to the root object.
To help traject locate an object, we need to register an inverse function of the lookup function. A lookup function looks up an object given a set of variables. The inverse of that creates the variables given an object.
Let’s consider a simple scenario:
var departments = {
alpha: { iface: 'department', title: 'Alpha'},
beta: {iface: 'department', title: 'Beta'},
gamma: {iface: 'department', title: 'Gamma'}
var getDepartment = function(variables) {
return departments[variables.departmentName];
patterns.register('departments/$departmentName', getDepartment);
We now need to create a function that given a department object, gives back its name ($departmentName), in a variables object like this: {departmentName: 'the name'};.
How do we find the name of a department in departments? We can loop through it until we find the department we want the name for, like this:
var getDepartmentVariables = function(department) {
for (var departmentName in departments) {
if (department === departments[departmentName]) {
return {departmentName: departmentName};
Now we can register the inverse function:
patterns.registerInverse('department', 'departments/$departmentName',
Now we can locate a department object:
Once we’ve located the department, it will have a trajectParent and a trajectName. Locating an object is especially good to reconstruct its path, which can be useful to help construct links in the the user interface. To construct the path for an object (and automatically locate it first if necessary), you can use patterns.path:
var path = patterns.path(root, departments.alpha);
to get the path departments/alpha back.
Registering Lookup and Inverse Together¶
In many cases you’d like to register the lookup and inverse at the same time. You can do this using the pattern method:
patterns.pattern('department', 'departments/$departmentName',
getDepartment, getDepartmentVariables);