Obviel is a client-side web framework¶
Obviel is a client-side web framework. Obviel helps you build dynamic, rich client-side web applications in JavaScript.
The core principle of Obviel: For a JavaScript *object* you render a *view* on an *element*: Ob-vi-el
Obviel’s core is a simple extension to jQuery. It adds a render function that is used to render objects on DOM elements:
obj can be any object with a simple string property called iface:
var obj = {
iface: 'animal'
name: 'Elephant'
You tell Obviel how to render an object of a certain iface by declaring a view:
iface: 'animal',
obvt: '<div>Animal name: {name}</div>'
You can use plain JavaScript code, templates, or a combination to construct a view.
That’s Obviel in a nutshell. Obviel’s manual tells you a lot more about Obviel’s core.
On top of that Obviel adds a lot of features, such as templating, i18n support, form generation and validation, and routing. Obviel stays close to HTML but lets you build sophisticated components when you need to.
Client-side templating¶
Obviel has a client-side templating language built-in. This template language has easy-to-use but extensive i18n support so you can offer your web application in multiple languages. It also integrates well with Obviel core, supporting sub-view rendering and easy event handlers.
Internationalization support (i18n)¶
Obviel lets you create a web UI that supports more than one language. It uses a standard gettext-based approach for i18n. Obviel comes with a server-side toolchain that can be used to extract translatable text from both JavaScript code as well as templates, and to prepare translations for publication on the web.
Form library¶
Obviel comes with a client-side form library. Describe your form using JSON structures, either on the client or on the server. Get and post your form data as JSON. Use composite and repeating fields with ease!
Routing with Traject¶
Obviel contains an easy to use routing library called Traject, which can be used both to resolve paths to objects as well as construct paths for objects. With Traject you can construct dynamic single-page user interfaces that work with hyperlinks and the browser back button.
Versatile but unobtrustive¶
Obviel is powerful. Obviel is also unobtrusive. You only need to learn a small, powerful core API to unlock the power of Obviel. Obviel puts minimal demands on your JavaScript objects. They can be plain JavaScript objects on the client. The objects could also be coming from a web server.
Obviel doesn’t just say REST is cool and then go through the motions. An Obviel-based app can start with a single URL and find out about the rest of your application’s URLs by following hyperlinks in objects. You can also swap between hyperlink and sub-object transparently. And that’s RESTful.
Loose coupling¶
Obviel lets you build dynamic, loosely coupled web applications. Your JavaScript code will be partitioned into small, loosely coupled cooperating components. Obviel also supports loose coupling between the web server and the client application. You can change your server code and your client UI will adjust itself without changing a line of JavaScript. You can also modify JavaScript code without worrying too much about the server.
Learning more¶
Look at demo code.
Read the Obviel documentation.
Check out the Obviel API.
Questions? Comments? Join the Obviel community!
Want to contribute to Obviel? Read our notes on development.