Obviel is a model/view abstraction for JavaScript that helps you improve the structure of your jQuery-based JavaScript applications.
What is Obviel all about?
Obviel builds on JSON. Without insanely nested callback functions everywhere!
Obviel is powerful. Obviel is also small. If you already know jQuery, you just have to learn about Obviel’s render method and you will be almost there already!
We don’t just say that REST is cool and go through the motions. An Obviel-based app can start with a single URL and find out about the rest of your application’s URLs by following hyperlinks in JSON. And that’s RESTful.
Because of REST, your server and client code become loosely coupled. Imagine changing your server code and having your client UI adjust itself without changing a line on the client? With a well-designed Obviel app, this is often possible!
If you’re going to build a rich client-side application, why not use a client-side templating engine? Obviel supports JSON Template out of the box and allows you to integrate others.
Besides Obviel core, we also include a powerful client-side form library based on Obviel core. Describe your form using JSON structures. Get your form data as JSON. Use composite and repeating fields with ease!
Obviel has extensive documentation.
Look at a quick overview of Obviel features
Read the Obviel core manual.
Read about Obviel forms.
We also have API documentation.
Confused? Maybe demo code will help!
Questions? Comments? Join the Obviel community!
Want to hack on Obviel? Here are some useful notes on development.
Review the table of contents.